7 of 8 Medicaid plans accepted, most of Michigan covered.
We believe everyone should have access to mental health care, so we proudly accept medicaid
Use this tool to instantly confirm your coverage and estimate your out pocket cost...
Step 1. Choose an insurance plan.
Choose a provider from the list and we’ll let you know instantly whether we’re in-network and what your estimated cost per session will be.
Select an option from the list to instantly confirm your coverage...
Your estimated cost is $0 per session!
We make mental health care affordable and accessable for all

Motor City Center for Hope was founded by Detroiters, for Detroiters… We understand that not everyone in our community has private insurance, or reliable transportation to travel 10-15 miles outside of their neighborhood for therapy…
This is why we accept the insurances that other agencies don’t, and we maintain a physical presence in areas that other agencies won’t. We are Detroit’s number one private practice, and we are committed to providing high quality mental health services to our community!

The best time to start therapy was yesterday...
The second best time is right now. Click the button to take the first step towards building a better you!